Thursday, December 01, 2005


Macbeth -Shakespeare
The interpretation of Shakespeare is his genius. Not interpretation like the variegated performances of his work, but interpretation, as in, he leaves us to glean as we please. Macbeth as the causality of prophecy. Poor ol' Macbeth, as soon as the wicked sisters spoke, as soon as they opened their gruesome worty mouths, “fair is foul and foul is fair,” the sucker was doomed. What bathos I feel for the sap who's all outta luck. Whaddayou expect Macbeth to do, it's the witches forced him to kill Duncan and then they forced him into delusion and madness and, finally, irreparable death. It was their prophecy. They killed Duncan in their wretched cauldron. Unless, prophecy is only prophecy as it is fulfilled. Cosí, like this, no veritable prophecy ever went neglected. And hence, veracity lies as much in fulfillment as it does in prophecy. And Jesus left no bridge uncrossed. And no bridge unburned. But what “choice” did then, Macbeth have? His scoundrelism resides in, what, his hesitancy… …..? …?

I wrote this in June. My double ellipses question marks, I see now, have been answered in my heart. The answer is yes. The hesitancy of Macbeth is deserving of his death. His misuse of instinct, resistance to prophecy, and living in the means is why Shakespeare hated him.


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