a start of sorts.
I do declare its open season.
I guess we'll let this thing go where it goes for now.
The only duty is to review what you are reading.
"I'm afraid we're not rid of God because we still believe in grammar."
- Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols)
I guess we'll let this thing go where it goes for now.
The only duty is to review what you are reading.
"I'm afraid we're not rid of God because we still believe in grammar."
- Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols)
i can't say i know exactly how this works. presumably, i am "leaving a comment" right now, so here it is,
as for controlled breathing, the jesus prayer, the aescetic sandwich, and mentorship,
those who bear witness to the spirit cry out, "abba, father", until they come to be LED by the spirit.
"when i was i child, i spoke as a child, i understood as a child, I thought as a child;but when i became a man, i put away childish things... and now abide in faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love."
it has been said that "truth reveals God as He is", that which reveals, this is a peeling back, there is an ACTIVE REVELATION, here, which is to say, in peeling back the pacifiers of knowledge and judgement, so wisdom (which is to say, the teacher within) is revealed to/in the intellect, love is revealed to/in the spirit, the breath is revealed to/in the body, and truth is revealed to/in the creation--from GLORY to GLORY
for now, we understand "as children", which is to say, we must first witness God in the creation, which is how Christ has called all into the kingdom of God, "most assuredly i say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it"
once we bear that witness, thus, entering the kingdom God, it is our decision to suffer "with him", which is to say with hope, because hope "does not disappoint"
hope obliterates suffering, and is only obtained through suffering. and having first born witness, we patiently, eagerly await that which is already done, thus bringing glory to God, but there is no hope without first, witness of the spirit (faith!)--only then do we come to be LED by the spirit (the teacher within) to the reconciliation with God, which, by faith, we have already witnessed--
this is the image of God--
"for now we see as in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face"
what is left? the revelation of the likeness of God to/in the creation--
the glory of glories, from glory to glory.
in terms of specific words, techniques, mantras, vigils, "permit even this," for "happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves"
"therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. then each one's praise will come from God"
that's what i've been reading,
(so, this is really kind of a pain, and i'm using a name that a bunch of my friends in san diego use for their blog... don't know vinod's email, or, how to post an actual "original post", etc, but i DO read, so here's this:
love in the time of cholera
how long can it last—this insistence that there is no story, but love, there is no romance but the story, itself, how long do we confront death with this kind of assurance—
“ ‘how long do you think we can keep up this goddamn coming and going?’ he asked.”
and it’s been “beyond the pitfalls of passion, beyond the brutal mockery of hope and the phantoms of disillusion: beyond love.”
far beyond the trickery, the courting rituals of the artist, beyond the barricade of GOD, beyond the throes of the intellect, through the romantic indulgence in suffering, the catharsis of war,
“…long enough to know that love was always love, anytime anyplace…”
here is the confrontation, this is the gaping divide between a plea and a persuasion—
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